A group of environmental, social and economic sustainability professionals with expertise in strategic consultancy, ESG data analysis, reporting, communication, stakeholder engagement and facilitation.

LUCA VALPREDA | Founder e Partner
A corporate, institutional and sustainability communication consultant, with specific experience in integrated communication projects, content management, video storytelling and events management.
Experience Luca spent his early career in the USA, gaining experience with leading communication agencies. On his return to Italy, he worked first as a freelance reporter and subsequently in the Olivetti Communication & Image Division. In 1989 he founded PDC Produzione di Comunicazione, an Italian-funded PR agency, which merged with Homina in 2008 to form Homina PDC. In addition to his work in PDC, he held other communication and consultancy posts (Technorace; Hansen Worldwide; Voz!; Sport Production Scarl). After concluding his experience with PDC, in 2009 he formed Amapola.
Distinguishing characteristics When he’s not working, Luca does his best to keep up with his two hyperactive children (and his wife). His vinyls collection, built up tirelessly since the 1970s, has reached unmanageable proportions.

A specialist consultant in sustainability communication, territorial relations management, stakeholder engagement and environmental communication. A lecturer, trainer and speaker.
Experience After working at the Red Hot Peppers agency, Sergio joined the MR & Associati Comunicazione institutional and political communication company, becoming a partner in 2005. He joined Amapola in 2011, playing a decisive role in building the agency’s specialisation in sustainability. He is an expert in water, energy, chemicals, food and agriculture, waste, pharmaceuticals and industrial activities with a high environmental impact. He coordinates the FERPI national commission on responsible communication (18th Goal of the 2030 Agenda). Together with Stefano Martello, Sergio edited “L’anello mancante. La comunicazione ambientale alla prova della transizione ecologica” (Pacini Editore, 2022) and the previous “Libro Bianco sulla Comunicazione Ambientale” (Pacini Editore, 2020). He is the author of numerous articles and papers on issues relating to his areas of expertise.
Distinguishing characteristics Sergio’s hair first began to turn grey when he was 13: an authentic trademark. A mixture of sudden crescendos and slower tempos makes his style indisputably jazz.

ALBERTO MARZETTA | Partner and Clients Manager
A specialist consultant in integrated communication projects, sustainability, reporting, stakeholder and community engagement, and environmental education. A qualified trainer with expertise in facilitation techniques.
Experience Alberto’s career has alternated between communication agencies and work as a consultant. Through his experiences with MR & Associati, Aigo, Tesar S.p.A., he developed a specialisation in political and institutional communication, marketing and sales strategies, stakeholder relations, with a particular focus on tourism, IT, industrial automation, manufacturing and social issues. He began working in sustainability, the environment and CSR when he joined Amapola in 2015, the culmination of a personal development path that started in 2003 when he was one of the founders of the Como Economic Solidarity District and chief press officer for a number of “Botteghe del Mondo” fair trading bodies. At Amapola, he focuses on communication strategy development, media relations, relationship & stakeholder management for international consumer goods organisations, service providers and utilities.
Distinguishing characteristics When he is not working, Alberto runs. Behind his son Bruno, first of all, a bundle of lively energy. And very often on roads and paths, as a devotee of trail running.

ELENA MANCINO | Partner and Commercial Division
A communication expert for more than twenty years, Amapola business development leader for four years.
Experience A graduate in Business Communication, Elena began her professional career in 2002, working in media strategies and PR at an independent media centre based in Turin. In 2004 she moved to the In Adv communication agency, where she coordinated the start-up of the PR and press office and supervised the newly formed events area. With In Adv’s transformation into Italia Brand Group, she joined the business development team, with responsibility for scouting, project management and commercial development coordination in the Milan offices. From 2017 to 2019 she was a senior manager at Yello, the Branding and Communication unit of EY Advisory. Having always had an interest in combining communication with sustainability, Elena joined Amapola in 2019; she became a partner in 2023.
Distinguishing characteristics Elena’s free time is taken up with raising two children, looking after ornamental plants and baking delicious cakes.

GIULIA DEVANI | Reporting Team Leader
A specialist consultant in sustainability reporting, environmental communication and CSR, and an expert in communication strategies, reputation management, crisis management and media relations.
Experience Giulia began her career in the academic world, with a doctoral thesis on “European integration policy and history”. In 2009 she joined MR & Associati Comunicazione, specialising in political communication, and had the opportunity to work closely with the press office of the then President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano. Over the next ten years, she focused on network monitoring for international organisations, online reputation management and participation in crisis management processes. She joined Amapola in 2021, where she and her team work in reporting support services, CSR projects, environmental communication and territorial relations.
Distinguishing characteristics Outside the office, Giulia has the good fortune to share her life with a lively daughter, a versatile artist husband who divides his time between microphones and the kitchen, and a fish called Jerry.

ELISA GAMBA | Reporting Senior Account
A member of the reporting team, a specialist consultant in sustainability reporting, CSR project communication, content and project management.
Experience After working in journalism for some years as a journalist-publicist, Elisa moved into public and corporate communication. She was a communication specialist for the organising committee of the Turin 2006 Winter Olympics. She then joined DGTmedia (In Adv Group, later Italia Brand Group – Turin), and after two years became coordinator of the editorial unit. Ten years later, Elisa took a new direction as a consultant, notably with Italo-French company TELT on institutional communication and environmental and sustainability communication projects. In 2020 she joined the communication team of Artissima, the international contemporary art fair in Turin. She moved to Amapola in 2021 as a CSR specialist.
Distinguishing characteristics Conflicted by a wanderlust and a desire for stability, Elisa is mother to two rebellious daughters and spends her free time with friends at exhibition openings, yoga courses, the theatre, sushi bars and pyjamas parties.

A member of the Amapola reporting ream, with experience in social issues and the non-profit world.
Experience A graduate in Public and Political Communication, with a keen interest in social and environmental questions, Anna has worked as a feature and report editor, and on communication and social media management projects for a number of non-profit organisations. She joined the Amapola reporting team in 2023, to work on sustainability reporting, communication project planning and drafting, and content curation.
Distinguishing characteristics When she’s not working, Anna finds it difficult to keep still: you may find indulging her passion for aerial silk dancing, cycling or marching along mountain trails.

EMILIO CONTI | Stakeholder Engagement and Territorial Projects Team Leader
A specialist consultant in environmental and CSR issues, and development of environmental management, stakeholder engagement, territorial acceptability and communication projects.
Experience Emilio is a biologist with 30 years of experience in environmental communication projects, sustainability reporting, stakeholder relations management. He joined PDC Produzione di Comunicazione as head of the environmental division at the end of the 1990s; from 2002 to 2012 he worked at Allea, an Italian communication company, before deciding to become an independent consultant. He joined Amapola in the autumn of 2021. He lectures on sustainability and conflict management on a number of master’s degree courses in Milan and Rome. Emilio has extensive expertise in energy production from fossil and renewable sources, oil&gas, waste management, infrastructure and industry.
Distinguishing characteristics A lover of nature and mountains, when he can Emilio enjoys long walks to collect his thoughts and regenerate mind and body.

IRENE LA PORTA | Stakeholder Engagement and Territorial Projects Junior Account
A member of the Stakeholder Engagement and Territorial Projects team, working on socio-territorial analysis projects, territorial relations, stakeholder engagement and sustainability reporting.
Experience After spending a year as an internal communication, events & sustainability junior specialist and six months as a sustainability analyst and reporting consultant, Irene joined Amapola in 2023 as a Junior Account. In Amapola she is mainly involved in territorial environmental communication projects, stakeholder engagement and reporting. Since she was a teenager, she has devoted part of her free time to association work, making an active contribution to the Rotaract Club in Nicosia, of which she is Treasurer, and in Pavia, to the International Advertising Association – Italy Chapter, and to CSRNatives, where she is the training team leader.
Distinguishing characteristics Strong-minded and inquisitive, Irene wants to leave her mark on the world by actively helping to promote a sustainability culture.

GUIDO RUFFINATO | Communication and Sustainability Senior Account
A member of the communication and sustainability team, a specialist consultant in corporate PR, sustainability, innovation and territorial relations.
Experience With a background in catering, Guido began working as a journalist with free press publications and communication agencies. He was Turin correspondent for La Repubblica’s Metropoli supplement on immigration, where he developed a keen interest in social issues. He edited articles and investigations for the local and national paper and online editions. He also collaborated with the newspaper’s Rome desk on the same issues. Meanwhile he worked with the municipal press office of Venaria Reale (Turin) and was managing editor of the town’s official web TV. He joined Amapola in 2017, where, as an Account Executive, he has expanded his activities to a wide variety of fields, including cosmetics, robotics, engineering and software.
Distinguishing characteristics Today Guido combines his communication work with the other Amapolers with a mad passion for writing novels and short stories, and his enduring love for cooking.

A member of the Institutional Relations team, a specialist consultant in territorial relations, events organisation, content management
Experience Rossana is a journalist-publicist who began her career with the Culture Department of the Alessandria Provincial Authority, where she was involved in the creation of the museum network and development of the related website. Later, she worked in the Damiani public and media relations office in Milan, as an EF foreign study-holiday leader in Malta, and for the Temporary job agency in Alessandria. For 17 years starting in 2005, she was head of the communication office and editor of the centenary publication for Confagricoltura Alessandria, where she also covered trade unionism, the environment, tourism, equal opportunities, training, teaching, economics and technology. Since 1 February 2023, she has brought her experience in territorial relations to Amapola, as an Account Executive.
Distinguishing features Rossana is passionate about communication. Since setting up home with Andy and welcoming a child, her life has become a tetris (a game where, as a true gen-X, she boasts impressive skills).

MICOL BURIGHEL | Communication and Marketing Manager
An expert in communication and marketing strategies and projects, with specific experience in sustainability, environmental communication, CSR, DEI.
Experience After taking a degree in Modern Literature, in 2019 Micol graduated in Journalism and Publishing at the University of Genoa, with a dissertation that won a mention at the Pestelli Award for the best university thesis on journalism. She began her professional career the same year, in the world of communication agencies. She joined Amapola in 2021, in the area of communication and marketing. She is a member of the agency’s Impact Council, which manages Amapola’s common benefit objectives, and is Head of Gender Parity. In the area of environmental communication, Micol was involved in the production of the Ten Golden Rules of Environmental Communication (2021), and presents the eponymous podcast, and the book L’anello mancante (Pacini editore, 2022).
Distinguishing characteristics Micol loves exploring new places and meeting new people. She holds some rigid positions (but is working on softening them). She believes in living with differences.

ELISA DE BONIS | Sales Account
A member of the commercial team, active in project management, commercial development strategies, client management, events.
Experience After studying Law at the University of Pavia, Elisa decided to move into public relations and communication. Over the years she has been involved in many different and exciting fields from museum promotion to penitentiaries and teaching. After working as a press and public relations officer at a theatrical agency, she joined Amapola in 2020 as a Junior Executive, later becoming a Sales Account.
Distinguishing characteristics Elisa has studied modern singing for more than 15 years. Besides music, her interests include art and politics.

SILVIA BONZANO | Junior Sales account
A member of the commercial team, active in scouting, commercial development, marketing.
Experience Silvia graduated in Business Management from the Bocconi University in Milan in 2020, obtaining an MBA from the same university in 2022 with a thesis on sustainability reports. During her time at university, she completed two internships in commercial settings, at Banca Mediolanum and at Sky Italia. In early 2023 she discovered Amapola, a perfect match for her previous commercial experience and her desire to work in a professional setting with the focus on sustainability.
Distinguishing characteristics Silvia is a dreamer. Outside work, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, travelling, reading and watching TV series, the outdoors and the pleasure of small things.

STEFANO BELVIGLIERI | Director and Production Manager
A professional director and producer of audiovisuals, multimedia and computer graphics, and a digital communication expert.
Experience During his career, Stefano has worked as a coordinator and director of important television productions for commercial brands and national broadcasters, and as a producer of major international events. In 1983 he became a partner of the Isaia & Associati communication agency in Turin, where he was involved in many high-profile projects, including the “Futurismo e Futurismi” exhibition in Palazzo Grassi in Venice. At the same time, he formed and ran the Altrimedia computer graphics agency, where he coordinated the production of material for television programs. After collaborating with the PDC agency in Milan, he joined the team in 1996, working for clients including Olivetti, Iaaf, Omnitel. Beginning in 2001 he moved into television production as a director, stage manager or assistant producer on programmes for the main broadcasters. In 2006, he worked on the XX Winter Olympics in Turin as a director and producer with responsibility for public entertainment services at the downhill skiing locations. In 2009 he joined the new Amapola agency, to work in the area of video and web operations.
Distinguishing characteristics A nerd ante-litteram and a fan of science fiction, Stefano spends his free time on extreme niche hobbies, such as online simulations of commercial flights. As a passenger.

A professional video maker, certified audio-video production technician, expert in video shooting, editing, video design.
Experience Sara began working in video production in the theatre. She developed her video experience collaborating with two photographers, with whom she covered official ceremonies, gallery exhibitions and artistic performances, including the Lunathica street artist festival. She was involved in documenting Turin City Council’s redevelopment project for the “Barriera di Milano” district, under the supervision of artist Cristina Pistoletto. For two years, she worked with Cascina Macondo, a social promotion association, and with the La Scimmia in tasca cultural circle. In the summer of 2021, she shot and produced a video documentary on the “Torino a Cielo Aperto” festival. In the spring of 2022, she qualified as an ENAIP audio-video production technician. She has collaborated with Amapola on a continuous basis since October 2022, on video design, shooting and editing.
Distinguishing characteristics Sara thinks she has an ironic streak (still to be demonstrated). Tall and thoughtful, with her head inevitably in the clouds, she spends her free time watching movies and doing voluntary work.

FRANCESCA SCHIRILLO | Trainer and facilitator
A trainer specialised in the use of experiential methods and a facilitator of participatory processes.
Experience Francesca is active in planning and leading facilitated events and formative activities, specifically team building, participatory planning, strategic thinking, conflict and negativity management, time management, effective communication and negotiation. She has worked with many institutions, public entities and business organisations, including the University of the Marche, the SGR Rimini Group, the OPRAM regional body for workplace safety, the Castelfidardo municipality, the Ancona Confartigianato Ancona, Cittadinanza Attiva.
Distinguishing characteristics In her work, Francesca aims to bring rhythm, dynamism and creativity, together with listening, consideration and the pleasure of being with other people.

LINA FRANCIOSI | Chief Administrative Officer
Chief administrative officer, with responsibility for client and personnel management.
Experience Lina began her professional career in 1990 in the administrative office of PDC Produzione di Comunicazione, where she worked for 8 years. From 1998 to 2002, she continued her activities in administration and accountancy at Italconsulting, Sesia and Irisbus. From 2005 to 2007 she acquired significant experience in the social sector with the Val2 cooperative, where she was responsible for management of outdoor public spaces and carpentry at the Lo Russo e Cutugno prison in Turin. Subsequently, she returned to the private sector. At the end of 2015 Lina went back to the communication field where she had begun her career, as Chief Administrative Officer at Amapola.
Distinguishing characteristics Lina loves dancing and meditation (not together). When she isn’t busy with numbers, she is busy with her family and voluntary work. As often as possible, she enjoys organising trips to unusual places.

Account with the administration team, with responsibility for supplier and personnel management.
Experience Paola began her career in the toys business, joining Toys Garden, a toy import and export firm, in 1989 and working there for more than 20 years. In 2011, she moved to Italia Independent, a leading eyewear company, where she worked in the administrative office on customer management and credits, and with the legal office. In 2022 she joined Fev Italia, an automotive engineering company that develops sustainable technologies for future mobility. She began a full-time experience in sustainability in January 2023 when she joined the Amapola administration office.
Distinguishing characteristics Paola loves music and has an incurable nostalgia for the 1980s. She has a box – a very large box – where she keeps the tickets of all the concerts she has been to since 1985.
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