The agency welcomes six new Amapolers

28 Jun, 2023

Le nuove professioniste arrivate in Amapola

Reinforcements for our sustainability team.

We couldn’t be more delighted: six new professionals have arrived to boost our agency.

The new arrivals are Elisa Gamba, a CSR specialist who will be working on reporting projects, Rossana Sparacino, an account executive and expert in territorial relations, Anna Filippucci, a junior account, Paola Compierchio, a new entry in the administrative department, Sara Rabellino, who joins the multimedia division, and Silvia Bonzano, a sales account who comes into the commercial team.

The new “Amapolers” enhance a group dedicated entirely to sustainability. The expansion was a necessary move: in 2022 the agency worked with more than 70 clients and was involved in over 30 sustainability reporting projects.

«The entry of new talents is always exciting and consolidates one of our cornerstones: to create work, work that people find stimulating,» says Amapola founder Luca Valpreda. «As Amapola grows, so each one of us grows with it.»

The new Amapolers

Elisa Gamba

Elisa is a journalist by training whose early experience in public and corporate communication included a position as a communication specialist for the organising committee of the Turin 2006 Winter Olympics. She was with a Turin-based communication agency for ten years, in the planning and production of corporate editorial products and in content management. Subsequently, she worked as a consultant before joining Amapola as a CSR Specialist, with special responsibility for sustainability reports.

Rossana Sparacino

After graduating in Communication Science from the University of Turin, Rossana worked in public and media relations in Milan. For 17 years starting in 2005, she was head of the communication office and editor of the L’aratro centenary publication for Confagricoltura Alessandria, where she also covered the fields of trade unionism, the environment, tourism, equal opportunities, training, teaching, economics and technology. Since 1 February 2023, she has brought her experience in territorial relations to Amapola, as an account executive.

Anna Filippucci

Born in 1995, after university studies in Italy and France and a degree in Public and Political Communication, Anna began her professional life in the non-profit sector in Turin, working in communication and social media management, cultural event management and press office operations for a number of associations. She joined Amapola in 2023 as a junior account.

Paola Compierchio

In 1989, Paola joined Toys Garden, a toy import and export firm, and worked with the company for more than 20 years. She then moved to Italia Independent, a leading eyewear company, where she worked in the administrative office on customer management and credits, and with the legal office. In 2022 she joined Fev Italia, an automotive engineering company that develops sustainable technologies for future mobility. In Amapola, she is assistant to chief administrative officer Lina Franciosi.

Sara Rabellino

Born in 1999, Sara began working in video production in the theatre. Her experience as a video maker took her into the world of arts and culture, festivals, social events and urban redevelopment, where she worked on Turin City Council’s project for the redevelopment of the “Barriera di Milano” district, under the supervision of artist Cristina Pistoletto. An ENAIP-certified audio-video production technician, Sara joined the Amapola video division at the end of 2022.

Silvia Bonzano

Silvia graduated in business administration from the Bocconi University in 2022, with a thesis on sustainability reports. While she was at university, she completed two internships in commercial settings, at Banca Mediolanum and at Sky Italia. In early 2023 she discovered Amapola, a perfect match for her previous commercial experience and her desire to work in a professional setting with the focus on sustainability. She joins Amapola as a sales account.