For the CSR tradeshow’s 10th anniversary Amapola is there!

An important anniversary, on the theme of “Sustainable connections”
Everything is ready at Amapola for the Salone della CSR e dell’Innovazione Sociale, Italy’s top event for the sustainability community and companies, organisations and professionals that put corporate social responsibility at the heart of their activities. For its 10th anniversary, the exhibition is celebrating Connessioni sostenibili – Sustainable connections: only together, by combining our skills, know-how, resources and experience, will we successfully change our development model. A change that is more urgent than ever, that goes well beyond simple collaboration to establish new forms of synergy. Let’s take up the challenge!
The numbers of the 2022 Show
3 days, more than 400 organisations and enterprises, over 100 events including roundtables, initiatives for the new generations, award ceremonies. The CSR tradeshow’s cultural program can be viewed online (here). The event will be held in Milan (Bocconi University, Via Roentgen 1) in hybrid form. Personal attendance is possible, registering on this link. All events can also be followed in streaming.
Amapola @ Salone della CSR: the roundtables
This year we shall play various roles at the CSR Show.
First, as moderators, with Amapola’s Luca Valpreda (founder and partner), Sergio Vazzoler (partner) and Emilio Conti (senior consultant) leading a number of panels. Here are the details:
3 October
At 15:30 Emilio Conti opens the proceedings with the meeting La difficile transizione ecologica nel trasporto aereo [The difficult ecological transition in the air transport sector], looking at the future of the sector and the strategies adopted and still to be adopted, to reduce environmental impact and meet the targets of the green new deal. The question will be discussed by Rossella Bozzini, Head of Sustainability ADR – Aeroporti di Roma, Cristina Lazzaroni, Senior Key Account Manager & Sustainability Coordinator Air France – KLM, Sebastiano Renna, CSR Manager, Sustainability & Stakeholder Management Expert, Davide Tassi, Head of Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility ENAV.
4 October 2022
At 17:15 Luca Valpreda conducts a talk on Crisi climatica e salvaguardia degli ecosistemi marini [Climate crisis and protection of marine ecosystems]. The participants are Antonio Augeri, CEO Ogyre, Mariasole Bianco, Chair Worldrise and Giovanni Battista Valsecchi, General Manager Generale Conserve – ASdoMAR. The debate will examine protection of the oceans and the need for a new equilibrium requiring input from everyone: institutions, non-profit organisations, corporations, individuals.
At the same time, in another area of the exhibition, Sergio Vazzoler is the moderator of the roundtable Pensare circolare: un nuovo paradigma [Circular thinking: a new model]. Recycling, sharing, re-use, repair, reconditioning are keywords for everyone today. The circular economy is one of the main drivers of the transformation of our economic model. The speakers are Elena Fammartino, Project Manager for Sustainability and Enterprise Innovation – Territory Projects and Development Area of Unioncamere Piemonte, Alfio Fontana, Corporate Partnerships & CSR Manager Humana People to People Italia, Chiara Mastrotto, Chair and CEO Mastrotto Group, Massimo Vaccari, Chair La Filippa
5 October
At 11:00, the theme under discussion, with Emilio Conti as moderator, is renewable energy. Electrification of end-use consumption, decarbonisation, technological innovation: interest in renewables is growing in the Italian business world, in part in response to the changes on the international stage. The panel discussing Energia sostenibile, quando la fonte è rinnovabile [Sustainable energy, when sources are renewable] are Silvia Buzzi, HSE & Sustainability Manager Caviro Extra, Enrico De Girolamo, General Manager CVA, Luca Gazzola, Water Service Division – Purification, Environmental Protection and Wastewater Plants MM, Elena Guarnone, Head of Sustainability – CEO’s Office & Sustainability Direction Edison, Gianni Silvestrini, Scientific Director Kyoto Club.
At 14:00 Sergio Vazzoler leads the talk Open innovation: ampliare gli orizzonti per un futuro sostenibile [Open innovation: broadening horizons for a sustainable future] exploring one of the chief drivers of change today, open innovation. The speakers are Fabio Niccolai, General Manager Estracom Estra, Carlo Nicolais, Group Institutional Relations, Communication & Sustainability VP Maire Tecnimont, Paolo Perlangeli, Chief Innovation Officer Lab Agos, Elita Schillaci, Founder ILHM – Innovation Leadership Health Management Advanced Centre.
A new project for the new generations. Plus our video team!
For the tenth edition, Amapola is joining the CSR Show to promote a new project for young people interested in a career in sustainability, Meet the CSR Leaders. A special area has been set aside for sustainability professionals to meet students, who can book a one-to-one orientation session to talk about sustainability issues and learn how to build a career in this field.
And as always, our video team will be there. As in previous years, our operators will be busy capturing the voices and faces of the protagonists of the CSR Show.
We can’t wait to explore this year’s theme: sustainable connections.
See you there!