Amapola with UNI: the sustainability communication laboratory begins in February

Theory and exercises for companies, organisations and professionals who want to keep up to date with expectations in a changing world.
Sustainability is changing societal, economic, financial and political balances and inevitably this has an impact on the way we communicate. This is the starting point for the collaboration between Amapola and UNI, the Italian national unification body, specifically its training division, UNItrain. With UNI, which monitors and guides businesses towards more attentive and responsible models, we have planned sustainability communication laboratory for companies, organisations and professionals who want to keep up with the latest developments in a crucial topic. The first course, eight hours subdivided into two afternoons, begins on Tuesday 16 February and ends on Thursday 16 February. The next course will be held on 20 and 27 June. You can register here.
Communicating sustainability: a question of substance
Effective, transparent and consistent communication on strategy and activities can bring an organisation’s sustainability alive, driving the spread of good practices, multiplying positive impacts, enhancing reputation and image, and increasing empathy and ties with territories, communities and stakeholders. This is not simply a strategy or tactic: in its original sense of “making common”, communication really can multiply impacts inside and outside an organisation. During the laboratory we shall be looking at how to plan communication to make it mindful, authentic and effective. We’ll be getting down to the nuts and bolts, helping participants discover strategies, channels, targets and communication tools.
The course, closely linked to the questions covered by the UNI EN ISO 26000:2020 standard, will be held remotely, and organised as a laboratory: analysis of case studies and best practices, and ideas workshops will alternate with formal training.
Download the poster and see the complete program: Sustainability-laboratory _07-1602.
The tutors
Alberto Marzetta Amapola Partner Benefit Companies. Corporate communication consultant, expert in integrated communication projects, sustainability, stakeholder and community engagement and environmental education, specialist trainer in facilitation techniques.
Emilio Conti Amapola Senior Consultant Benefit Companies. Environmental communication expert and consultant in corporate communication, environmental and sustainability communication, public relations and institutional and industrial relations.
Sergio Vazzoler Amapola Partner Benefit Companies. Communication expert, consultant in public relations and marketing plans for companies, entities and trade associations. FERPI national director, with responsibility for the “environmental communication” area, member of the FIMA Scientific Committee and Management Council.
Giacomo Riccio Technical Office of UNI/CT038 Organisation Social Responsibility, Technical Project Manager of the UNI Innovation and Development Division, responsible for the “companies, services and professions” area (UNI/CT038 and related workgroups). Edited the Ha U&C Dossier “Social responsibility, the new development model after the emergency”.