Sofidel wins the Report Oscar with its Integrated Report created in collaboration with Amapola

18 Dec, 2023

Copertina e pagine interne Report Integrato 2022 di Sofidel

The tissue-paper multinational is awarded first place in the category for “Large unlisted enterprises” with a reporting project geared to strategy, method and accessible communication.

The 2022 Integrated Report  published by Sofidel, Italy’s leading producer of toilet and kitchen paper, has been classified first in the Report Oscars ranking, in the category “Large unlisted enterprises”. The company was assisted on the reporting project by the Amapola agency. 

The Report Oscars – Oscar di Bilancio – now at their 59th edition are promoted by the Italian Public Relations Federation (FERPI), Borsa Italiana and the Bocconi University and have established a position as a valuable observatory on the state of the reporting art in Italy at a time of important developments in standards. The Oscars reward organisations that take a rigorous approach to reporting their activities and share their economic and, increasingly, their environmental and social results with their stakeholders.

Oscar di Bilancio, the Sofidel 2022 Integrated Report

The Sofidel Integrated Report won the first prize with the following citation: “the Sofidel Group considers sustainability to be a  strategic growth factor and is committed to reducing its impacts on our natural capital and maximising social benefits in order to create shared added value for all stakeholders through innovative diversification of its communication tools and stakeholder inclusion. The company’s communication is complete and effective, with excellent graphics and detailed analysis of risks and related management policies. The Integrated Report already applies the double materiality concept and takes a Smart Report approach.”

«We have always focused on transparent results, precise analysis of the business’s economic and financial performance, risk monitoring and management, and on-going reporting of investments to promote truly sustainable growth and development,» says Francesco Pastore, Sofidel Chief Marketing & Sales Officer. «The key tool for reading these results is the Sofidel Integrated Report. The FERPI Oscar di Bilancio is an important acknowledgment and additional driver for our reporting and transparency journey

A communication ecosystem

To strengthen the Sofidel Report’s accessibility, an ecosystem of dynamic multimedia communication tools has been developed to bring to life the wealth of content, initiatives and projects set out in the report. From the graphics project to the online Smart Report, from the interviews with stakeholders to the abridged version (all in Italian and English), every communication aid has been designed to foster dialogue with the company’s stakeholders in an engaging manner comprehensible to a broad public.

«We want to thank Sofidel for placing their trust in us and for their constant interaction on the project,» comments Amapola partner Alberto Marzetta. «The 2022 Integrated Report is a great example of teamwork, based on the awareness that while sustainability must be actively followed, it also has to be narrated, circulated and animated through dialogue. Companies like Sofidel that are leading the sustainable transition will play an increasingly decisive role in strengthening the sustainability culture to make it solid, transparent and universally accessible.»