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Sergio was born in 1973 and his hair began turning grey at the age of 13: a distinguishing feature that, together with other life events, forced him to an early maturity. This was not matched, however, in his sentimental life: he married only in 2011 and became a father in 2016. This alternation of sudden crescendos with slower tempos makes his style indisputably jazz.

He graduated in Communication Science in 1997, on the first course on the subject at Turin University.

Having begun working in journalism and PR while at university, Sergio began his professional career in 1998 at Red Hot Peppers, a Milan-based communication and public affairs agency.

In 2000 he joined the MR & Associati Comunicazione institutional and political communication agency, becoming a partner in 2005. At MR he coordinated public, environmental communication and digital PR activities, with a specific focus on local community and local government relations.

Key projects included editorial planning and coordination of social reports, sustainability reports and term-of-office reports, web monitoring (for clients including the Presidency of the Italian Republic) and communication management for construction sites and infrastructure of national importance.

Sergio joined Amapola in 2011 as a senior consultant, later becoming a partner, and has played a decisive role in building the agency’s specialisation in sustainability.

He is member of FERPI Italian public relations federation. He is also author of numerous articles and seminar papers on environmental communication, CSR and crisis communication. Together with Stefano Martello, he’s curator of two volumes edited by Pacini editore about environmental communication (Il libro bianco della comunicazione ambientale and L’anello mancante. La comunicazione ambeintale alla prova della transizione ecologica).

He has lectured on these subjects for more than 10 years.


Projects followed by Sergio

ROQUETTE ITALIARoquette Italia’s 60th Anniversary

Roquette Italia’s 60th Anniversary

ALFASIGMA2021 Sustainability Report

2021 Sustainability Report

ALFASIGMARapporto di Sostenibilità 2020

Rapporto di Sostenibilità 2020

ALFASIGMAFirst Sustainability Report

First Sustainability Report

SOLVAY2022 Open Day

2022 Open Day

Michelin50° anniversary

50° anniversary

Gruppo Autosped G Primo Rapporto di Sostenibilità

Gruppo Autosped G
Primo Rapporto di Sostenibilità

L’OREALSustainability Week

Sustainability Week

SYENSQO  Fabbriche Aperte LAB

Fabbriche Aperte LAB

Gruppo Autosped G  Rapporto di sostenibilità 2022

Gruppo Autosped G
Rapporto di sostenibilità 2022

Gruppo CAPBilancio di sostenibilità 2021 e immagine coordinata

Gruppo CAP
Bilancio di sostenibilità 2021 e immagine coordinata

LA FILIPPARapporto di sostenibilità Ed. Speciale 2020-2021

Rapporto di sostenibilità Ed. Speciale 2020-2021

ROQUETTE ITALIAFabbrica sostenibile 2021

Fabbrica sostenibile 2021

Gruppo CAPSustainability report 2020

Gruppo CAP
Sustainability report 2020

Gruppo CAPSustainability Report 2019

Gruppo CAP
Sustainability Report 2019

Gruppo CAPSustainability report 2018

Gruppo CAP
Sustainability report 2018

Centrale del Latte di Alessandria e AstiBrand identity

Centrale del Latte di Alessandria e Asti
Brand identity

SolvaySolvay Lab

Solvay Lab

La FilippaThe happy landfill

La Filippa
The happy landfill

MICHELINThe sustainable factory

The sustainable factory

COLDIRETTICommunity engagement

Community engagement

EuromacFabbrica Sostenibile 2022

Fabbrica Sostenibile 2022

Aeroporto di BolognaSustainability engagement

Aeroporto di Bologna
Sustainability engagement

Centrale del Latte di Alessandria e AstiPackaging desing and Advertising

Centrale del Latte di Alessandria e Asti
Packaging desing and Advertising

Gruppo AMAGBilancio di Sostenibilità 2021

Gruppo AMAG
Bilancio di Sostenibilità 2021

Gruppo AMAG  Bilancio di sostenibilità 2022

Gruppo AMAG
Bilancio di sostenibilità 2022

Gruppo AMAGSocial responsibility in action

Gruppo AMAG
Social responsibility in action

Gruppo AMAGBilancio di Sostenibilità 2020

Gruppo AMAG
Bilancio di Sostenibilità 2020

TELENERGIACommunication for district heating

Communication for district heating

Gruppo AllaraPrimo rapporto sociale e ambientale

Gruppo Allara
Primo rapporto sociale e ambientale

3i group  Il libro-anniversario per i 40 anni

3i group
Il libro-anniversario per i 40 anni

Centrale del Latte di Alessandria e AstiCommunicating the short supply chain

Centrale del Latte di Alessandria e Asti
Communicating the short supply chain

L’ORÉAL ITALIACitizen Day 2021

Citizen Day 2021

Gruppo CAPSustainability engagement campaign

Gruppo CAP
Sustainability engagement campaign

SALONE DELLA CSR ISThe Amapola interviews

The Amapola interviews

Achab GroupCorporate training

Achab Group
Corporate training

AMAIE Energia e ServiziThe Sanremo multiutility

AMAIE Energia e Servizi
The Sanremo multiutility

progetti di sostenibilità Amapola